We always recommend that debtors seek independent legal advice from a solicitor and if you are experiencing financial difficulties there are numerous organisations that can help and advise you.
- The Insolvency Service of Ireland
- Money Advice and Budgeting Service
- Free Legal Advice Centre
- National Consumer Agency
- The Irish Courts Service
- Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation
If you have received correspondence from us, the following options are open to you:
Pay the debt
Your payment options are set out in the correspondence you have received. If we have written to you on behalf of a financial institution, you can contact us or the institution to make a payment.
You can also submit a proposal to us if you are not in a position to pay the entire amount due. We will review the proposal and let you know whether it is acceptable to our client.
Dispute the claim
If you dispute the claim, you should contact us as soon as possible outlining your reasons as to why you are disputing the claim. We recommend that you seek independent legal advice if disputing any claim.
Take no action
If we do not hear from you, we will have to proceed with legal action. You may be required to attend court. This may result in a judgment being granted against you or an order for possession being made in respect of your property.